How to Get Rid Of Roaches in Apartments for Good Permanently
There are many kinds of Roaches that have their own habit such as big or small roaches, roaches which live alone or colonize. Whatever type of Roaches, every roach is agile, good at hiding and hard to eradicated. Roaches are fast in adapting. They can also breed fast. The Roaches absolutely make you disgusted if they are still run or even fly into your apartment. Of course you have known that every room in your apartment and your neighbors are connected. That will make you are more difficult to get rid of the roaches. But, you do need to worry. It is because this article will give you some tips about how to get rid of roaches in apartments with these following steps:
- You should identify the kind of roaches in your apartment. Getting rid of roaches in your apartment can be started from identifying their nests, eradicating the roaches then preventing the roaches to enter your apartment. Identifying the places where they live will help you to know how big problem you have dealing with the roaches. You can also find out their favorite place in your apartment. First, you can buy sticky trap at any stores or supermarket near your house or you can make the traps by yourself. You can use petroleum jelly and put in on paper or cans. Do not forget to put small pieces of bread or any other food for the bait. You can put the traps on strategic places in your apartment such as the corner of your room, cab board, under your furniture, in the bathroom, in the kitchen etc. You should put it on the floor or under the things instead of putting on the desk or table. Let the traps for 24 hours and wait for the roaches trapped. You will find out how many roaches you get and where is their favorite places. After 24 hours, throw the traps and the roaches. You can kill the roaches by flushing them with warm soap water.
- Eradicating roaches in your apartment. You can use popular insecticide like diatomaceous earth powder. This insecticide is made of fossil powder from diatomic algal shell. For your information, diatomaceous earth powder does not endanger your pet at your apartment. The second insecticide is boric acid and borax. Both insecticide contain element of boron which is able to kill the roaches. Your pets at your apartment are also safe because mammals do not like the taste of the insecticide. You can spread the powder of three insecticides because they are effective in killing any kind of roaches. The roaches do not have protection system against the insecticides. But the best insecticide is diatomaceous earth powder. It is because this kind of insecticide is able to attack the shells and pores of the roaches in your apartment. You can also use the insecticide as the bait for the roaches. It is not dangerous for you and for your family member at your apartment because it does not contain poison or danger chemical ingredient. You can change or refill the bait station as often as you can. The roaches will it the bait and they will die 3 days after eating it. There are many bait station for roaches you can choose at any stores or supermarket near your house. If you want the best product of it, you can choose the bait that contain hydramethylnon. This thing is the insecticide which is able to kill the roaches faster.
- How to make the roaches do not want to enter your apartment permanently. There are many things you should do to avoid the coming back of the roaches at your apartment. If you think your apartment has been clean enough and it is not your or your family members’ fault about the existing of the roaches, you should report or complain to the property manager or the supervisor building of your apartment. It is because the roaches will come if the building of your apartment is not maintained well. Or it is because your neighborhood can’t keep their apartments clean. The roaches will come into your apartment through the pipes. That situations eases them because as you know that you have connection with another apartment. To avoid the coming of roaches you should close the food that the roaches like. They really like food that contain sugar and carbohydrate, soap and even the plants. You should store your food in the crocks that are made of glass or plastic then close it tight. Replace all your food from your bag or any places which are reachable by the roaches. If you use bar soap for shower, you should change it with liquid soap. If you keep using bar soap, you will invite the roaches to come back. If your bar soup is consumed by the roaches, there are thousand bacterial on your bar soap, it is dangerous if you use it for your skin. You are better to use liquid soap rather than using bar soap. As you know that liquid soap is put in close bottle and it is difficult for any bacteria to come in. Talking about the plants, if you ever find out your plants are dead because of roaches, you can spread the petroleum jell in the pot of the plants so that the roaches do not want to walk in or eat your plants. After cooking, you should clean up all the places in your kitchen. The leftovers will invite the roaches come back to your apartment. You also have to throw the garbage periodically, if your garbage is full, you are better to throw it directly. You must sweep and mop the floor every day. You can seal all the slits of your apartment with silicone. For your information, the roaches can creep in and out into the wall, door and windows through the slits which the width is 0,5 cm. If you find any slits you can cover it or fix your wall of your apartment. You also have to make sure that your sink is always dry after you use it.