use it for repelling bug bite or treating irritations caused by such problem. To apply the best essential oil for bug bites, simply mix this oil with peppermint, tea tree…

…pounds. It means that the concentration of peppermint essential oil is extremely high. Therefore, putting it into your skin directly is not advisable. Here is how you can use any…

…gel and lavender oil. Add this combination into a quarter cup of coconut oil. Make sure you use organic variation for it. Apply it lightly to the affected area with…

…coconut oil you can buy. You’ll intend to analyze the distinctions when comparing every one, so you can make an educated selection well before buying. Virgin Coconut Oil. Virgin coconut…

…doterra. Top Essential Oil for Burns Doterra Peppermint oil. You should apply oil after the burn area is clean and cold. Before treatment, use cold water to keep skin at…

…Essential Oil for Skin Boil When the skin has been infected by skin boil, it can be painful that makes you very uncomfortable. This infected lump can sometimes appear…

…What Essential Oil Is Good for Bruises If you are looking for what essential oil is good for bruises, this article will provide you information that you can use…

…excellent. Marjoram oil will give benefits for grief, brain health, arthritis, hypertension, circulation, and also indigestion. Peppermint oil Aside from those ingredients mentioned above, you can also use peppermint oil

…aspects besides antifungal peroperty. Firstly, you can use coconut oil for long period without worry about side effects. It is the main benefit as the main reason to use coconut…

…ear or both ears. There is doterra essential oil for earache that you can use to help treating this problem. What kind of essential oil is helpful for earache? Pay…

Understanding about Fractionated Coconut Oil Making Fractioned coconut oil. Coconut oil consists of several categories from highly saturated to less and pure compound. You might be familiar with virgin coconut…

used cotton swab afterward. Essential oil for cold sores: Peppermint oil. The third beneficial oil for cold sores is peppermint oil which contains antiviral properties. This property works well to…

…What are Melrose Essential Oil Uses? The amazing thing about Melrose oil is that you are allowed to blend it using various ways according to your needs. It is…