How to Get Rid of Fleas

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  • Use pet food with flea products. Since fleas feed off the blood of your pet, you can add tablets to your pet food that will enter his bloodstream. The fleas will die instantly as they suck the blood. These flea products are designed to attack the fleas’ nervous system so they instantly die, leaving no room for reproduction. Also read: Diffusing Essential Oils Around Cats.
  • Use Flea Traps. Your local home center can help you on how to get rid of fleas at home. You can buy flea traps and place them strategically in places of your home where they will attract fleas. Once the fleas are trapped, they will die. You can leave the traps in the rooms until you notice that all of the fleas in the house or on your pets are gone.
  • flea-trap

    • Use natural foods. There are natural methods on how to get rid of fleas and they are effective, inexpensive and safe:
    1. The peels of citrus foods such as oranges, lemon and grapefruit can be simmered in water to produce citrus oil. Pour the oil evenly on your pet’s skin. This will kill the fleas on the skin and keep others from jumping in.
    2. Eucalyptus contained in shampoos and oils will also have the same effect. The scent of the eucalyptus will drive the fleas away. When used with water and soap, eucalyptus oil will kill fleas on your pet’s body. You can mix dried leaves of eucalyptus with cornstarch and use it as pet powder. You can also put eucalyptus oil on a folded cloth and place it on your pet’s neck like a collar.
    3. You can also use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar, as well as banana peels, rosemary and brewer’s yeast. Mix one part of white vinegar or apple cider vinegar with three parts of water. You can even add a few drops of essential oils (also read: Essential Oils For Dust Mites). Using a spray bottle, apply the vinegar mixture on your pet and in the places where he frequents or sleeps.  Your pet can also take apple cider vinegar orally. As the vinegar seeps into the pet’s skin, the fleas will run away. (Also read: Cleaning Silver With Baking Soda And Vinegar)
    4. Banana peels, on the other hand, are among the easiest natural means to get rid of fleas. All that you have to do is to place them on furniture and floors and allow the potassium in the banana peel to kill the fleas. Keep the banana peels out of sight of children and pets. Rosemary leaves used as tea can also be used to get rid of fleas. Boil chopped leaves in water and when it has cooled down, use it as a bath wash or shampoo for your pet. Not only will your pet smell good, he will also be free from parasites. Fleas hate the smell of rosemary so they will most likely stay away from your pet.
    5. You can buy brewer’s yeast tablets and add them to your pet’s food. The skin of your pet will excrete the yeast, which will irritate the fleas, kill them or make them get out of your pet’s skin. However, you should ask your veterinarian about the best dosage of brewer’s yeast tablets for your pet. Likewise, diatomaceous earth can be rubbed into each part of your pet’s body where fleas frequent, such as the chin, stomach, chest and legs.
    6. After you applying the dust, your pet will shake it off, and the fleas will come out of his body along with the dust. To kill the fleas, apply a thin layer of the dust on the floor where your pet is standing on before you apply it on his body.
    7. Olive oil is one of the most popular ways on how to get rid of fleas naturally. Apply olive oil on your pet’s skin and rub it all over his body. Leave the oil on for about 4 hours or more then rinse thoroughly to wash off the fleas and keep them off your pet in the next few days. You can do the olive oil application regularly.
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    It is not hard to get rid of fleas in your home or on your pets. You just need to be vigilant and diligent in maintaining cleanliness. Even though, it may take a lot of work, you will save yourself from a lot of trouble and diseases. Keep your home a safe haven for people and pets alike by making it flea-free.







