How to Get Rid of Chest Pain

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Other Conditions Causing Chest Pain

  • Costochondritis happens when the area where the ribs and breastbone merge becomes swollen.
  • Panic attack is an unexpected bout of fear usually accompanied by fast breathing.
  • Shingles is an illness involving infection of the skin and nerves with sharp pain in the back and chest.
  • Muscle and tendon strain
  • Bruised and fractured ribs

Treatment of Chest Pain

How-To-Get-Rid-Of-Chest-Pain-At-HomeIf you think that your chest pain indicates an impending heart attack, it is best to call emergency facilities promptly. People who have heart diseases are already aware of the patterns and type of chest pain that they are likely to experience. Doctors recommend that you should adhere to the plans on how to get rid of chest pain at home. However, if the pain still worsens even after strictly following certain measures, it is best to seek for emergency assistance as soon as possible.

Doctors recommend lifestyle modification as one of the treatment plans on how to get rid of chest pain for people diagnosed with heart problems.

  1. Avoid engaging in physically exhausting activities that may trigger the attack.
  2. Eat a balanced diet including healthy meals and limited amounts of fats.
  3. Quit drinking alcohol
  4. If you are hypertensive, strictly follow the treatment regimen usually consisting of diet and medications. (Also read: What Is Your Blood Pressure Supposed To Be)
  5. Quit smoking.
  6. Avoid stressful situations if possible and learn how to handle stress.
  7. Avoid extreme weather.
  8. Regularly perform the exercise program created by your attending physician.

Thorough discussion with your doctor is crucial to managing your condition. Knowledge and early recognition of an impending attack is an important part of the treatment. Here are the ways on how to ease sudden chest pain:

  1. Early identification of the symptoms of an attack. Heart attack takes place when there is a disruption in the heart’s blood circulation leading to damage and manifested by a chest pain.
  2. Seek immediate emergency intervention. Call emergency hotlines or ask somebody to take you to the nearest hospital facility. This is a life-threatening event and the earlier you receive treatment, the greater the chance of recovery.
  3. Ingest Aspirin if possible. Most heart clogs are due to blood clots that attach themselves to plaques from cholesterol. Research reveals that taking aspiring is one of the most effective ways on how to get rid of chest pain while waiting for emergency services. The chewable 325 mg tablet can relieve chest pain, decrease the clot, and reduce heart injury. (Also read: Best Time Of Day To Take Blood Pressure Medication)
  4. Relax. Avoid physical movement as this can intensify the pain. Find a convenient place and sit in a relaxed position. Clear or free yourself of tight clothing and accessories that limit your breathing. It is also important to know how to get rid of chest pain generated by other types of conditions. One of the most common conditions often mistaken as related to heart issues is panic attack.
  5. Understand anxiety. Fear, stress, and nervousness activate anxiety attack, which can increase your respiratory rate and pressure on the chest muscles. Part of the treatment on how to get rid of chest pain recommended by doctors is behavioral therapy and medications.
  6. Slow and deep breathing. Rapid breathing can cause tension in the arteries, chest muscles, and esophagus. Controlling your respiration instead of hyperventilating allows you to manage your anxiety, making it an important solution on how to get rid of chest pain.
  7. Relaxation therapy. Studies show that relaxation techniques are effective in decreasing stress and anxiety levels. Get a relaxing massage while inhaling and exhaling gently to get rid of the pain in your chest.
  8. Seek professional intervention. If the anxiety attacks are already disrupting your life activities, and stress management techniques are futile, it is best to consult a doctor. Visit your doctor to check the possible reasons of your panic attacks, especially if the attacks also come with extreme chest pains. This is essential in finding the most applicable treatment for your condition.
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When you are not sure about the source of your chest pain, go to your physician at once. Time is a significant factor in averting more serious complications.

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