How to Get Rid of Sore Throat

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How to Get Rid of Sore Throat?

Sore throat or pharyngitis (see Wikipedia: sore throat) refers to a condition characterized by scratchiness, pain and irritation affecting the throat. It happens when the cells in the mucus membrane have become inflamed or swollen. The most common cause of sore throat is viral infection such as flu or cold. Bacteria or allergies may also cause it (read: Can Allergies Cause Sore Throat And Ear Pain). It is also often a side effect of strained vocal cords.

A scratchy throat can cause discomfort when swallowing. Sore throat may not be a serious illness, but it provides irritation and discomfort that may last for days if not properly taken care of. There are many ways on how to get rid of sore throat. You can always use over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. If you are experiencing severe sore throat, you can use antibiotics. You can also use cough syrup and other sore throat medicines. Here are some easy and effective ways on how to get rid of sore throat:

  • Licorice Roots
    The first way on how to get rid of sore throat  is by using licorice. A licorice root contains anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties that offer relief and minimize irritation and swelling in the respiratory tract. It contains [emaillocker]a soothing substance that helps protect damaged or inflamed tissues. Aside from that, it also contains a substance that loosens phlegm and removes mucus from the lungs and throat. A study conducted in 2009 found that licorice roots soothed patients’ throat and reduced coughing after surgery. You can use licorice by mixing it with water to create a gargle solution. You can also make a licorice tea or juice by mixing it with a flavoring such as honey. Also read: How to Tell if You Have Pneumonia


  • Salt and Water
    The second remedy on how to get rid of sore throat is by gargling salt and water mixture. Saltwater is the oldest and [/emaillocker]most effective home remedy for sore throat. Studies proved that gargling with salt and water is not only a belief but actually a scientifically proven remedy for cough and sore throat. The University of Puget Sound found out that salt and water mixture reduces swelling and inflammation. It helps kill bacteria or virus in the throat. The salt acts as an antiseptic that draws excess water out of the mucus membrane, thereby clearing the throat. The salt water solution loosens mucus, which makes it easier to flush out irritants or bacteria. It also eases the pain and it allows stuffy nose to drain properly. Another study done by the Student Health Services at the University of Connecticut found that gargling with warm salt water solution can help soothe sore throat and break down secretion to keep the throat
  • Peppermint
    Using products with peppermint oil is one of the most effective remedy on how to get rid of sore throat. The American Cancer Society found out that sprays with peppermint oil can relieve sore throat. Another study conducted by University of Maryland Medical Center said that peppermints contain menthol, which helps loosen mucus and soothe sore throats and coughs. It is said to be an effective decongestant and expectorant because of the menthol it contains. A 2008 study published in the Harefuah journal found that peppermint contains antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that may help in numbing, soothing and calming the throat. Another study conducted in 2010 found out that compared to a placebo, peppermint provides more immediate and significant improvement in throat symptoms.
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